What is the Function of Management in an Organization

As we know that in an organization every set of activities are done in order to achieve the pre-set goals of organization. Hence, for proper achievement of pre-set goals of organization management has to perform certain functions, which can be described as under-
  • Planning
  • Organizing
  • Staffing
  • Directing
  • Controlling
Function of Management
Function of Management

  • Planning: The primary function of management is to make forecasting about future activities in the form of planning. In fact, planning is the back bone for every organization because in organization every set of activities are done according to the preset plan for achieving the goals of organization. Hence, it is too important that management should make accurate forecasting about future course of actions so that it provides proper guidance to organization in obtaining its goal in a well manner.
  • Organizing: After determining the objectives of organization through planning, the next function which is performed by management is to organize the entire resources according to the goals of organization. In fact, in the absence of a good organizing system no organization can take even one step properly. Hence, by performing this function management is grouped and allocated the jobs among the employees. Thus, all the employees can work together for obtaining the prime goals of organization.
  • Staffing: It is an essential function of management. In staffing process management has to establish various vacant positions and fill up these vacant positions by appointing the right person, at the right jobs and at the right time so that every activity can carry out by them easily. In fact, for successful achieving of organizational goal an appropriate staffing of personnel (employees) is very essential.
  • Directing: After the proper placement of personnel on the right jobs through staffing process, the next function which is performed by management is to direct man power for achieving the goals. In fact, proper utilization of man power can only be done by any organization through a good directing approach because it provides a proper guidance to the employees in understanding and doing their tasks in effective way.
  • Controlling: It is the last but one of the most important function of management. In fact, in the absence of a good controlling system no organization can attain its goals in appropriate manner. Under this function management has to examine all the activities which have done already, in the light of preset planning of organization, in order to locate the problems so that the necessary changes or corrective actions can be made as early as possible to remove the further problems. Thus, it is clear that controlling is too important in achieving organizational goals.


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