Initially, We have said that MIS is a system, and i MIS system is Based upon Information, So we can say Information is a blood of the Organisation, just like human body is noting without blood same as Business Organisation never take even one step without information. Thus, Information is most raw material for any business organisation.
Introduction of Information in business organisation.
Information derived form data, Data is noting but random, Unorganized collection of indication or measurements of certain qualities or attitudes relating to an entity, recorded either in alphabetical, numerical, alphanumerical, Voice, image, text or any other form. on other hand, Information is like a Finish product. Information. Therefore, is defined as data that is collected, collated, processed, logically, organised, and analyzed so as to be of use to the decision maker.
Information, According to the Davis and Olson, is "Data that has been Processed into a form that is meaningful to the recipient and is of real or perceived value in current or protective actions or decisions".
Therefore, The difference which make the difference. information brings clarity and creates an intelligent human response in the mind.
Characteristics of Information
- Its improves representation of an entity
- Its update the level of knowledge
- Its has surprise value
- Its reduces uncertainty
- Its aids in Decision making
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